Cape Cod Surfrider Longboard Club

Cape Cod Surfriders
Circa 1987

This photo was taken at top of the hill at Cahoon Hollow Beach after a session with members of the club. Members standing from left to right are Ken Merrill, Steve Miller, Zane Rustin, Mark O'Connell, Vin?, Paul Merrill. You can see my father Bruce in the background with the binoculars checking out the the ocean!!!

Cape Cod Oldtimers Contest
Circa 1988

The Puppies as we were still callled geting ready to go out. All of us are in are mid to late twenties and new to surfing except Zane Rustin. He had grown up in Austin, Texas and has actually learned how to surf their along the coast before he came to the Cape. Lefty Gallagher on the far right was actually very good becaue he was already a great athete and spent lots of time with Mark and Zane hitting the surf those few summers we were a club. Steve and I were rookies and though game we has lots to learn. Zane would get an award in his heat while Mark would as well when he competed in the former lifegaurd heat and took second. We would party later at the Club which still stand but has had many names since the mid 90's.

Incredible Casuals
Circa 1991

Memorial Day Bash
Circa 1990

Surf Safaris to

Club Board Raffle