Local Surf Shops

Nauset Surf

Sick Day

Original surf shop

Jaspers Surf Shop

Jaspers first opened it's doors in 1967 and owner Mike Houghton kept it running for some 40 plus years until closing the shop in 2007. Jasper's infamous "Old Timers Surf contest" still goes on today supported by al lthe lcoal shops with an old crew from Jaspers still spreaheading the event. Smiles are everywhere when Mike gives out the awards at the top of the hill. Especially if you get one!!! Update Sadly Mike passed away in 2021 and paddle out wa held in his hinor as well as Old Timers held at Newcombs Holllow after being cancelled due to hurricane even though we wer all atr the bech th eorgian lnight ans urfed



Pump House

Boarding House

Original Surf Shop

Cinnamon Rainbows

Todd Walker's Cinnamom Rainbows still thrives on today in it newer location in Rye, NH and the original just before the Orleans rotary on 6A lives on as the Pump House today. In the 80's, Rainbows was my place to get boards and Todd had them. We were part of a longboard club staying true to the Soul surfer syle of cruising lonboards versus the short boards eveyone was getting one in the 80's. I bought my second Dewey Weber from Todd and gained lots of knowledge about becoming a surfer. Todd had acutally been a DY grad and ran track for Coach Alan Carlsen. He knew who I was from our state championship Cross Country teams just a few years after his graduation. He told me great stories of how Carlsen would tie a rope to them and pull then with his car to go faster. Todd sold the business just when my wife Marie and I were running a cottage colony and regrettfully didn't get to say goodbye. Before it was Cinnamon Rainbows is was Surf City owned by I have one of his original boards the Blue Machine







Sacred Surf